Succesvolle bijscholing voor teamleiders legt basis voor verbeterde brandweersamenwerking in haven


One of the objectives of the Seaport-Scheldt Fire Network is to provide specific training for its network partners. In that context, a first series of training sessions were organised this spring: a virtual reality training on industrial incident response for team leaders of public and private fire services. Participants generally described the training sessions as engaging and valuable. During the sessions, many participants met colleagues from other private and public fire services in the port, exchanging insights and practices. These enriching experiences will, it is believed, contribute to improved cooperation within the fire service network. The enthusiasm and commitment generated during the in-service training sessions provide a solid basis for positive impact on teamwork in the long term. Indeed, there is a shared desire within the participants to continue using the knowledge and connection gained, even after the training sessions have been completed. The Seaport-Scheldt Fire Network will further support this positive dynamic. "It was clever to see how, scenario after scenario, better cooperation emerged between public and company fire services," he said. The Seaport-Schelde Fire Network is a promising project where cooperation between different fire services is taken to the next level." - Wim Smets (team leader at the BASF intervention service) "The day was exceptionally productive, it was an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience, which fits in seamlessly with our professional activities." - Jurgen Vander Veken (adjutant at Fire Brigade Zone Antwerp)



BZS is een publiek-private samenwerking gericht op de preparatie en repressie van grootschalige, specialistische of langdurige incidenten in het Zeehaven-Schelde gebied.


Project mogelijk gemaakt door essenscia.
